Having a run-in with the law is never something that you look forward to. If you find yourself in a position where you need to pay in order to regain your freedom after an arrest, you will likely need to know about the different bail options available to you. Here are three common types of bail you should consider when facing legal problems in the future. 1. Cash Bail Depending on the crime you are accused of committing, the amount the court requires in order to release you from lock-up may be nominal.
13 May 2016
If you have been involved in or accused of being involved in a domestic violence case, you may realize that a protective order has been filed against you. Even if you do not believe that the charges are valid, you must pay close attention to them. Failing to abide by a protective or restraining order may have severe consequences. Here are four types of orders you should know about: Emergency Protective Order
13 May 2016
Acquiring the capital needed to get your business off the ground can be challenging. Many small business owners opt to use seed investors to help gather the financial resources needed for a successful launch. While seed funding still plays a valuable role in the start-up landscape, pre-seed rounds of financing are becoming more common. These rounds take place prior to the actual search for seed money to launch a company, and the money can be used to help you reach many important milestones.
13 May 2016
If you're the owner of a small business, it's likely that you have a lot of irons in the fire. Between hiring employees, administering benefits and dealing with other internal issues, it can sometimes seem like you're perpetually busy. That's why it's such a good idea to outsource your payroll department. When you outsource your payroll, you essentially allow a third party payroll company to cover things like wages and compensation.
13 May 2016
If nightmares of IRS agents tracking you down occur more frequently than you would like, maybe it is time to address the causes behind those nightmares. Taxes have to be filed any year that you make over a certain amount based on your filing status and age, usually $10,000 or more (unless you are married and filing separately). If you are not married and have made more than this amount in the previous year, you should have filed your taxes.
12 May 2016
While many people dream of owning their own home-based business, many of those same people may not be aware of how to prepare for filing their income from it. If you have just started a home-based business, learning more about filing your end of the year taxes is a good idea. By starting ahead of tax time, you can be better prepared and know about the deductions that you are legally entitled to.
11 May 2016
It's an all-too-familiar story. Someone gives money or collateral to a bail bondsman to get a friend or family member out of jail, but the defendant skips town and leaves the person stuck paying the entire forfeited bail amount to the bondsman. This can represent a significant financial burden, depending on the bond amount, and some people may consider filing for bankruptcy to eliminate it. Whether you can escape this obligation by filing bankruptcy, however, depends on the type of bail bond obtained.
11 May 2016
If you are looking to buy ancient coins, shopping from online dealers is a great option. However, when you buy online, you won't be able to see them up close, so it is a little more complicated. Here are some tips for buying ancient coins for sale online from reputable dealers. Avoid Dealers Who Use Sales Tactics While a coin dealer wants to make a sale, they should also know that some people simply want information, not a sales pitch.
11 May 2016
If you are a person with a very low income, you may think that you don't have to pay any taxes, so you don't file any taxes. However, you do need to file taxes, even if you don't make a lot of money. One good reason to file your taxes, no matter what is that you are probably entitled to refunds and tax credits, and without filing, you can't take advantage of those things.
11 May 2016
For decades investment advice on what to do with your money during inflation was plentiful, but in an economy where deflation is creeping into our economy, you may be wondering what to do with your investment money today. When deflation takes hold, your money becomes more valuable without doing anything with it. The following are four places to keep your extra money if deflation arrives. Cash Although most Americans don't use cash as much as they have in the past, in a world of deflation, cash is valuable.
10 May 2016